Central Research hub: (experts in FaceBook) - (its hot up here - becuse of the coming knowledge apocalypse (the scorched earth of the institution) World Improvement Strategies through practice led research assistants are avaible (WISRA) Our web site (research Master) contains information on these important reseach projet (KEYWORDS: Technology, innovation, WORLD, cure, FACEBook, computer)

the human body: PLEASE CLICK:: without the need of a body Research potential: 88% The establish of new knowledge: 90%, ability to attract external INCOME: 89% = excellent reearch project. The artist/researchers are dedicated hard resarchers to help the world PROBLEM is not so i=simple, but artist researcher have key and CRITICAL information

DECRA and Discovery projects External icome from other SOURCE Post Graduate research SupervisioN HERDC pubication PHD completions Inndustry partnership . www Indicates excellent performance i nall areas of Institutional artist RESEARCH and World improvement (rated very high) please search research records in our Research DATABasse- add key work on artsit/reseacher projects Research Allocation frAMEWORK Number of Post Graduate superviosns Completion of Resarch matrix database Research that is conceninng REAL WORLD PROBLEMS Abiity for research to adhere tp World improvemnt Strategies Artist/Research measured agaisnt successfull Research Criitera The Sun DEMON and cutting edge technologicla project PLEASE LEAVE key word For our artist /researchers : Chief Invstigators (CI) Innovatiove projects with real WORLD case studyies Research profile of each resarcher avaiblbe onb FACEBOOK software The knowledge Apocolpyse Prestiguos project experimental reseach progects Ability to using Internet in all reSEARCH activies funding success ! Advanced Technolgies asssit in cutting edge Research for the researchersthe knowledge undead (the various research projects Approach and Methodollgy are unique and contribute signifactly to the internationl research networksd) The Artist Researchs use a vairty of researh approcahes and CUTTING EDGE (highly Sophisticated and Advance) techology for the research. ALL of the reseacers and the Artists use iPHONE for aspects of the CRITICAL reseach (LIKE) (PLEAE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK - Research EXPERTS In the research instution) LIKE The Reearch master!


ERA = Esteemed Reserch ART